appointed body of the Universal House of Justice in its first
stage, once and for all, hereby resolves that:
Based upon the Explicit Holy Text and the clear and manifest
proofs and evidences contained within, and in accordance with,
the revealed statements of Baha'u'llah, 'Abdu'l-Baha, and
Shoghi Effendi, the Universal House of Justice shall be comprised
of both men and women.
And furthermore, that:
The membership of both men and women on the Universal House of Justice is constituted within the Baha'i Administrative Order, that is, the membership of both men and women on the Universal House of Justice forms an irremovable part of the constitution of the Universal House of Justice in all its stages.
And therefore, that:
In conformity with, and in enforcement of, the Explicit Holy Text, if women are not elected to the Universal House of Justice then that election shall be declared invalid.
[Approved this eighteenth day of Mulk in the year one hundred and fifty-two of the Baha'i Era (February 24, 1996)]